Thursday, October 21, 2010

Review Thursday: Beezus and Ramona Movie

I grew up reading the Ramona books and loved them. I have started reading them to Mini B at night and although they are still a bit old for her she has enjoyed the funny stories and it has been fun for us to read them. I was thrilled and also a bit leery when I saw that they were making a movie out of something I loved as a child. So many spin offs from books I love tend to be either too cheesy or off the wall.

I have to say I would give this movie five stars...
I loved it. It was sweet and happy. Mini B loved it and we both laughed through it. I cried several times and have since watching it have taken extra care as I speak to my little ones. I thought they weaved in many favorite story lines from many of the books so that it felt fresh and not forced.

I liked it so much I am asking for it for Christmas. I loved this movie and would recommend it to everyone. If you saw it I would love to know what you think.

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