Sunday, November 28, 2010

Silhouette Give Away on Kara's Party Ideas

So there is a great give away going on right now on a wonderful blog called Kara's Party Ideas. It closes tonight at midnight, but just in case here is a link to her sight... so you can enter to win a free Silhouette Machine. I totally want one of these. You can go to her sight and enter up to four times. Best of luck.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Gratitude for Creating of Beauty

I have been able this week to be inspired by those who have an ability to create beauty. I wanted to share some of that with all of you.

I went to a concert this week for Dan Cahoon. It was his Senior Recital in Provo. I was so impressed. It was a delightful evening. He is incredibly talented and I left humming his music in my head. If you want to take a listen to a sampling you can go here to Amazon. I love his song "All About You". You can also get his music on Itunes. It is fun and beautiful and I am definitely adding it to my music library.

Dan and Mindy Gledhill performed a duet that was so fun and so I also checked out her music online. It too is so amazing and inspiring. If you want to check out and listen to a sampling go here. I am asking for her CD for Christmas. In fact I watched a YouTube clip of her song "All About Your Heart" and just cried.

I feel so blessed for those who are able to take their creative talents and create beauty that is touching, and inspiring.

Finally, I wanted to share with you a darling idea that I saw this week. My sister-in-law Brynn is an incredibly talented and creative person. I stopped by her home this week and she had such a darling idea. I am going to try and make one and get a picture but for now I will do my best to explain.

She folded a piece of paper it looked to be about 6x12 into fanned sections. You need enough to write out the word GRATITUDE.

She then put white paper on each section with the letter's spelled out G R A T I T U D E

Below each letter a piece of white paper large enough to fill the remaining space, then for each letter she wrote things she was thankful for that started with that letter. It was so fun to read her lists, they were both fun and creative. She had it sitting on the mantle of their fireplace, a daily reminder of being Grateful.

It love that something so simple is really a creation of beauty and thanksgiving. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

Creating a Thanksgiving filled with Tradition and Gratitude

We have had some truly perfect Autumn days lately. I love the crisp air, the leaves falling, the magnificent color that surrounds me everyday. We have also started our planning for Thanksgiving. Do you have traditions that make you focus on gratitude?

My family has been providing ideas we would like to try this year and create some new traditions. Here are some ideas that have been tossed around and some I found that I thought were great.

A Thanksgiving Cornucopia: You could really do this all year or just during this month. Have pieces of paper or other cutouts and write down your blessings and fill up a Cornucopia . My brother said it best when he talked about this being an opportunity to recall the tender mercies. And I would add the moments of grace, beauty and love that surround us daily.

A Gratitude Journal: You could add to this every year or even put the things from your Cornucopia into it. A way to remember the blessings and find gratitude where you are.

A 5K run: My sister in law did this last year and mentioned how it provides a way not only to move more but also to show thanks for our bodies and the strength we have or that we have been working on. If you live in this area check out this link for the Bountiful Turkey Trot.

For kids:
A Plymouth Rock Corner: you could put books about the first Thanksgiving. A place to make crafts, I will post some of the craft ideas we are doing later on this month. You could make a Turkey with your hand traced onto a paper. Make feathers of thanks to put on them. How about a vest out of paper bag to decorate, or decorating your own rocks. Years ago my hubbie and I went to Plimouth Plantation and Plymouth Rock and I have lots of pictures and post cards that I could put up on a poster board or you can go online for pictures here.

Take the kids on a nature walk and pick up leaves, acorns sticks or other things and make a collage with them.

We are also doing some service. What a perfect way to show how grateful we are for what we have than to help others who are in need. We have discussed a couple of options that work for our family; the Davis County Safe Harbor which is for women and children are always in need of items. We are also collecting lightweight items to send to the orphanage in Bulgaria where my sister just spend to weeks volunteering.

Simple ideas:
Today we are making a Thanksgiving countdown, you could do this as reverse advent by adding instead of getting something, so each day you could fill up a container with words of thanks or deeds of service.

I would love to hear what you do in your family. May your day be filled with peace and gratitude.


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Celebrating the Joy of Thanksgiving

The other day one of my children asked me, "Mom, why do we have to have Thanksgiving anyway, why can't we just skip it and go to Christmas." Then this child followed up with, "Halloween is fun for kids and so is Christmas, but Thanksgiving doesn't really have anything fun to do."

From a child's perspective I can totally understand this logic. I think many times I felt the same way. For awhile I have thought that Thanksgiving kind of gets swallowed up in between Halloween and Christmas. It is really a wonderful holiday it isn't about getting anything or having to come up with something to give. It is about spending time together, offering thanks and gratitude. In our world of face paced living I think November becomes the month we prepare for Christmas. Which I totally get. My Christmas shopping started months ago. But my goal this November is to bask in the moments, and practice gratitude. I wanted to start by decorating my home for Thanksgiving. My other goal not to buy anything new to decorate with. I think I've done pretty good so far. Over the next few weeks I want to share with you, ideas to focus on Thanksgiving and of finding joy in giving Thanks. I would love to hear your ideas.

These fake candles are from the $ store and were for our Jack O' Lantern's. I filled candle holders with dried lentils and split peas (already had) and tied a leaf on the front with Jute.

I love my chalkboard that I made a few months ago from a $ store plate. The metal basket was a $1 find at DI and I filled it with our extra pumpkins and berries I had from last year.

I love the simplicity of white flowers with bittersweet, my milk glass plate trimmed with orange ribbon and left over pumpkins. The one on the left side was one Mini B painted at a Pumpkin Tea Party and she was so thrilled that I would use it on our table.

The mantel I decided to go more simple with a mirror I had, a wreath, pumpkin, candle and flower I already had. I love it and it feels elegant and simplistic.

I made this stitch a few years ago and haven't really ever put it up.

I love this pumpkin. One of my friends brought it to me for Halloween, but it is perfect to leave up for Thanksgiving. It is just scrapbook paper Modge Podged on. I LOVE it and it looks so great on the chair part of my desk. Hope you are enjoying the first few days of November and getting ready for a month of Gratitude.

Much Love and Thanks.