I have been able this week to be inspired by those who have an ability to create beauty. I wanted to share some of that with all of you.
I went to a concert this week for Dan Cahoon. It was his Senior Recital in Provo. I was so impressed. It was a delightful evening. He is incredibly talented and I left humming his music in my head. If you want to take a listen to a sampling you can go here to Amazon. I love his song "All About You". You can also get his music on Itunes. It is fun and beautiful and I am definitely adding it to my music library.

Dan and Mindy Gledhill performed a duet that was so fun and so I also checked out her music online. It too is so amazing and inspiring. If you want to check out and listen to a sampling go here. I am asking for her CD for Christmas. In fact I watched a YouTube clip of her song "All About Your Heart" and just cried.

I feel so blessed for those who are able to take their creative talents and create beauty that is touching, and inspiring.
Finally, I wanted to share with you a darling idea that I saw this week. My sister-in-law Brynn is an incredibly talented and creative person. I stopped by her home this week and she had such a darling idea. I am going to try and make one and get a picture but for now I will do my best to explain.
She folded a piece of paper it looked to be about 6x12 into fanned sections. You need enough to write out the word GRATITUDE.
She then put white paper on each section with the letter's spelled out G R A T I T U D E
Below each letter a piece of white paper large enough to fill the remaining space, then for each letter she wrote things she was thankful for that started with that letter. It was so fun to read her lists, they were both fun and creative. She had it sitting on the mantle of their fireplace, a daily reminder of being Grateful.
It love that something so simple is really a creation of beauty and thanksgiving. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
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