We have had some truly perfect Autumn days lately. I love the crisp air, the leaves falling, the magnificent color that surrounds me everyday. We have also started our planning for Thanksgiving. Do you have traditions that make you focus on gratitude?
My family has been providing ideas we would like to try this year and create some new traditions. Here are some ideas that have been tossed around and some I found that I thought were great.
A Thanksgiving Cornucopia: You could really do this all year or just during this month. Have pieces of paper or other cutouts and write down your blessings and fill up a Cornucopia . My brother said it best when he talked about this being an opportunity to recall the tender mercies. And I would add the moments of grace, beauty and love that surround us daily.
A Gratitude Journal: You could add to this every year or even put the things from your Cornucopia into it. A way to remember the blessings and find gratitude where you are.
A 5K run: My sister in law did this last year and mentioned how it provides a way not only to move more but also to show thanks for our bodies and the strength we have or that we have been working on. If you live in this area check out this
link for the Bountiful Turkey Trot.
For kids:
A Plymouth Rock Corner: you could put books about the first Thanksgiving. A place to make crafts, I will post some of the craft ideas we are doing later on this month. You could make a Turkey with your hand traced onto a paper. Make feathers of thanks to put on them. How about a vest out of paper bag to decorate, or decorating your own rocks. Years ago my hubbie and I went to Plimouth Plantation and Plymouth Rock and I have lots of pictures and post cards that I could put up on a poster board or you can go online for pictures
here.Take the kids on a nature walk and pick up leaves, acorns sticks or other things and make a collage with them.
We are also doing some service. What a perfect way to show how grateful we are for what we have than to help others who are in need. We have discussed a couple of options that work for our family; the Davis County Safe Harbor which is for women and children are always in need of items. We are also collecting lightweight items to send to the orphanage in Bulgaria where my sister just spend to weeks volunteering.
Simple ideas:
Today we are making a Thanksgiving countdown, you could do this as reverse advent by adding instead of getting something, so each day you could fill up a container with words of thanks or deeds of service.
I would love to hear what you do in your family. May your day be filled with peace and gratitude.