Monday, January 23, 2012

Loving Downton Abbey

Almost seventeen years ago, my sister introduced me and the other women in my family to a wonderful show called "Pride and Prejudice" - the Colin Firth version. From the moment I finished that beautiful rendition of the Jane Austen classic, I have been hooked on BBC and Masterpiece Theater productions. I am a total and complete BBC and Masterpiece geek and proud of it. A few weeks ago my sister (same one) told me she was hooked on a new Masterpiece production called Downton Abbey. Over the next few weeks I realized that I was one of the only people not in the know.

I have spent wonderful moments folding laundry and cooking dinner with my new friends from Downton Abbey, and I can't wait till next week when the newest episode comes out. Check out the website here. Plus Dame Maggie Smith is in it, how could you go wrong. She is just brilliant.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year! I love the New Year. I love getting rid of all the merry making and going stark, clean and minimalistic. I love the hope of spring eventually. The promise of change. I am a theme girl. A good theme helps me to focus and direct myself. I have been trying to come up with a good theme for 2012. Something that rhymes or is catchy. Nothing has come to me. Then looking through the paper and ad's today I saw the theme for the Young Women in our church. "Arise and shine forth, that thy light may be a standard for the nations." D&C 115:3. If it is good for the YW why not for me. And although it was super difficult for me to arise this morning for 9 am church. I have found my theme. I love that there is action involved. First we have to get up, then we have to shine forth. That means not being sullen or fearful. Shining is bright, hopeful and full of light. The light of God.

Today Mr. M talked in church. He talked about looking upward instead of sideways. He told the Max Lucado story "You Are Special" about the Wemmicks who put stars or dots on each other depending on how good or bad they are perceived by others. It is only when we turn to the Master and realize that we were created to just be ourselves when we focus on what the Master thinks more than on what others think that we are truly able to let the praises and critiques of others mean little to who we really are. It is in that moment that we are truly able to Arise and shine Forth.

May you all have a Bright and Joyous New Year!